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    IdeasPro FAQs

    Why do I need IdeasPro?

    There are two key reasons:

    • Ideas object is still not supported in Lightning Experience
    • Standard Ideas management is a complicated process

    IdeasPro enables you to access and manage customer ideas in a single place, and also in your Lightning Salesforce Org. Also, IdeasPro comes packed with 15+ out-of-the-box features for smooth ideas management.

    What does IdeasPro do?
    IdeasPro revolutionizes the standard ideas management in Salesforce with better accessibility to use Ideas in Lightning Experience (LEX) and on the community platform. It offers several next-gen features to handle, assign, and analyze Ideas. It can be used for any number of communities, ideas, and users.
    What features does IdeasPro offer?

    Some of the salient features of IdeasPro include:

    • Automated Idea Account Mapping
    • Extensive Merge Feature
    • Status workflow based on Vote and Comment Count
    • Profanity Prevention
    • Email-to-Ideas
    How is IdeasPro different from any other Idea management software?
    Developed by seasoned engineers, IdeasPro has more features to offer compared to any other product in the market. For example, Email-to-Idea, Idea-Account Mapping, Idea Merge, etc, and above all, IdeasPro is highly customizable.
    Is my data secure?
    IdeasPro does not use any third-party applications or APIs. So, your data and custom metadata is stored in your Salesforce Org only, where you can design security per your requirement.
    Can anyone at IdeasPro view my data?
    No, you will have complete control over your data. You can regulate it per your terms.
    How reliable is IdeasPro?
    IdeasPro is built using the best practices and sustainable planned architecture, making it safe and reliable. It is fully customizable based on your business requirements and technology upgrades
    How do I get IdeasPro upgrades?
    We provide regular updates on our AppExchange product package.
    We provide regular updates on our AppExchange product package.
    Companies of all sizes can use IdeasPro. Currently, we have mid to large-sized companies as our customers.
    What types of customer support do you offer?
    We provide regular 18×5 support via email, calls, etc.
    How do I reach IdeasPro customer support?
    You can reach out to us via our support email address or you can reach out to our customer success managers.
    How many people do I need to dedicate to running the community?
    It depends on your core requirements and availability. A single person can, however, easily handle all the configurations and assignments.
    Do I need to involve our IT team?
    Not necessarily. It can be an exception in a few cases depending on your business requirements.
    How long does it take to set up IdeasPro?
    It takes around 2 hours to configure IdeasPro.
    What Salesforce editions does IdeasPro work with?
    IdeasPro works in all Salesforce editions: Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions
    Can we configure IdeasPro based on our needs?
    IdeasPro provides some easily configurable features such as owner assignment, notification handling, thresholds, merging, etc. Any custom requirement can also be attained based on feasibility.
    What type of security is followed through the product?
    There is no third-party integration involved. We follow standard Salesforce security protocols.
    Can we configure IdeasPro on our own?
    Yes, you can do it using the IdeasPro user guide.
    How is the customizability level of IdeasPro?
    IdeasPro is fully and highly customizable.
    What training is needed to acclimatize a person to IdeasPro?
    Basic knowledge of the Salesforce ecosystem is a must. All other required details and whatever you need to know about IdeasPro are explained in our product-related documentation.

    Get in Touch

    Thanks for your request. We will get in touch with you shortly.