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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I merge duplicate records in Salesforce?
    Yes, you can merge duplicates in Salesforce.
    Does Dupe Manager offer features to simplify managing large numbers of files?
    No, Dupe Manager does not migrate files; it only migrates records.
    Is it possible to automate duplicate cleaning with Dupe Manager?
    Dupe Manager is designed to identify and manage duplicate records, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.
    Can data be retrieved once removed in Dupe Manager?
    Our custom object is designed to temporarily store data for a specific period. While it offers efficient data management, it's important to note that child records associated with this object are permanently deleted upon parent record deletion or merging. This behavior is similar to standard Salesforce functionality.
    Can I customize the search criteria for duplicates?
    The filter functionality allows users to customize search criteria to meet their specific needs, resulting in more precise and relevant search results.
    Does Dupe Manager support scheduling?
    Yes, Scheduled Deduping allows users to automate deduplication tasks at specific intervals such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc.