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      Supercharge Your Marketing Campaigns With HubSpot Asset Development

      Oct 10, 2024

      8 minute read

      B2B marketers often navigate a complex array of spreadsheets, briefs, and deadlines daily. Adding to this, the pressure of creating high-quality assets across channels can be overwhelming. 

      A report shows that B2B marketers spend an average of 33 hours a week on asset creation.[i]  This is not only time-consuming but also pulls focus away from strategic initiatives.

      Every marketer has, at some point, thought of simplifying asset creation through solutions like templates or drag-and-drop tools. And while marketers think that way, marketing automation platforms such as HubSpot have made this a reality. 

      HubSpot provides intuitive builders and template libraries as part of its offerings that streamline asset creation while ensuring consistency. This enables marketers to create high-quality, tailored assets efficiently that engage their audiences. 

      In this blog post, we will explore key HubSpot assets and their development to create more personalized marketing campaigns that drive better results.  

      Driving Marketing Campaigns with HubSpot Assets

      Assets are the building blocks of marketing campaigns. They serve as digital touchpoints where potential customers interact with your brand, learn about your offerings, and take desired actions.

      Here’s how various assets in HubSpot contribute to marketing campaigns:

      • Landing Pages: Generic landing pages often fail to engage prospects and convert leads, resulting in lost opportunities. HubSpot landing page builder provides the tools to create highly targeted and effective landing pages. These landing page templates are designed keeping in mind a streamlined user experience.
      • Email Templates: Crafting engaging email campaigns can be laborious and resource-intensive. HubSpot email templates simplify this process by designing professional emails efficiently. With templates, you can simply tailor content for specific segments and ensure consistent branding for better engagement. 
      • CTA (Call-to-Action): Without compelling CTAs, prospects may become lost or unsure of the next step. HubSpot’s CTA tool offers a range of customizable call-to-action buttons and pop-ups that can be strategically placed throughout your website or HubSpot pages.
      • Forms: Inefficient or lengthy forms can deter users from completing the conversion process. HubSpot form builder allows you to create visually appealing and user-friendly forms that capture essential information without overwhelming visitors. By integrating with other HubSpot tools, you can easily manage and nurture leads based on form submissions.

      How to Create Marketing Assets in HubSpot

      Assets are an integral component of a successful marketing strategy. That’s why HubSpot offers dedicated tools and capabilities to create them quickly. Let’s look at the asset development of each asset discussed above.

      Creating HubSpot Forms That Convert

      HubSpot’s form builder empowers you to create high-converting, lead-capturing forms without the need for coding expertise. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets you effortlessly design forms that align with your brand’s aesthetic. You can customize field types, add progressive profiling, and leverage dynamic content to gather valuable information from visitors.

      Here’s a step-by-step process to create HubSpot forms:

      • Go to the “Marketing” section of the HubSpot account and select “Forms.”
      • Click “Create form” located in the upper right corner and select form type.
      • Click “Next” and select a blank template or a pre-built template.
      • Click “Start” and edit the form name. 

      HubSpot Asset Development

      You can add and edit form fields as per your business needs. Furthermore, you can manage the field options by making them required, hidden, default, and more. 

      HubSpot Asset Development

      Post Submission Workflow

      Once the form is deployed, you need to determine the next steps for visitors. You can configure the following options:

      • Thank You Message: Display a thank you message to visitors after they submit the form.
      • Redirect to Different Page: Choose to send visitors to a specific HubSpot page or an external website following form submission.
      • Schedule a Meeting: With Sales or Service Hub Enterprise, direct visitors to a scheduling page for booking appointments. Form data can be pre-filled for convenience.
      • Conditional Redirects: Create rules to send visitors to a specific scheduling page, HubSpot page, or external URL.
      • Set Lifecycle Stage: Assign a specific lifecycle stage to new or existing contacts. Lifecycle stages can only be moved forward, not backward. This setting overrides the default lifecycle stage.

      Crafting CTAs That Drive Action 

      A component of the HubSpot marketing hub, the CTA builder lets you craft eye-catching and effective calls-to-action (CTAs). You can design your CTAs using drag-and-drop functionality or upload custom designs. It also offers advanced features like AI-powered copy suggestions and dynamic personalization to create CTAs that resonate with your target audience and drive conversions.

      Here’s a step-by-step process to create CTAs in HubSpot:

      • Head to ‘Marketing > CTAs’ in your HubSpot account.
      • Click ‘Create’ in the top right corner.
      • Choose a template or start from scratch by selecting a CTA type: Sticky Banner, Pop-up box, Slide-In, Embedded, or Embedded Image.
      • Add and arrange elements within your CTA using the available options in the left panel.

      HubSpot Asset Development

      • Customize the CTA by configuring its position, size, layout, style, background, and close button.

      Creating Smart CTAs in HubSpot 

      Smart CTAs are a legacy feature in HubSpot that allows you to display different CTAs to different visitors based on specific criteria. These include country, device type, preferred language, referral source, contact list membership, and lifecycle stage. Smart CTAs offer a higher level of personalization and are more likely to drive conversions.

      Here’s how to create Smart CTAs in HubSpot:

      • Navigate to ‘Marketing > CTAs’ in your HubSpot account. 
      • Access the legacy CTA tool by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting ‘CTAs (Legacy)’.
      • Create a default CTA that will display to visitors who don’t meet your smart rule criteria. 
      • To create a smart version of this CTA, hover over it and click ‘Actions > Create smart version’.
      • Define the criteria for your smart rule. For example, target specific lifecycle stages or other contact properties. 

      HubSpot Asset Development

      • Create the CTA content for this specific audience.

      You can add multiple smart versions and reorder them as needed.

      Building Emails That Engage

      HubSpot offers a variety of pre-designed email templates optimized for different devices. You can easily customize these templates with a drag-and-drop editor. By personalizing HubSpot emails with dynamic content, you can boost your average email performance. Furthermore, you can leverage email automation workflows to trigger tailored follow-ups in response to recipient interactions, such as email opens and link clicks.

      Here are the steps for creating emails using templates in HubSpot: 

      • Go to Marketing > Marketing Email in your HubSpot account. 
      • Click Create email.
      • Select an email type: Regular, Automated, or RSS/Blog. 
      • Choose a pre-designed template under the custom tab. 
      • Customize the email content by clicking and editing individual elements.

      HubSpot Asset Development

      Optimizing HubSpot Email Marketing Campaigns

      Whether you’re engaging with prospects, welcoming new customers, or reactivating dormant contacts, your HubSpot mailing campaign needs to be well-planned, personalized, and measurable to ensure success.

      Here’s an email marketing campaign timeline to help you with that:

      HubSpot Asset Development

      Step 1: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.

      Step 2: Export all your contacts in HubSpot and ensure they have opted-in to receive your emails. 

      Step 3: Segment your contacts by age, interests, behavior, product purchase, and other relevant factors.

      Step 4: Create personalized HubSpot emails by addressing your recipient’s pain points.

      Step 5: Set a delay period of days, hours, or minutes between your emails to avoid overwhelming your recipients.

      Step 6: A/B test your marketing emails by varying images, offers, CTAs, and subject lines.

      Step 7: Review the performance of each email and overall email marketing campaign to determine what actions drive results.   

      Designing Landing Pages That Convert

      HubSpot’s landing page builder enables you to build professional landing pages without any design or IT expertise. You can select from a library of mobile-optimized templates or create pages using the intuitive drag-and-drop editor. The page content can be tailored dynamically based on a visitor’s location, device, lifecycle stage, or contact details. 

      Here are the steps to creating a HubSpot landing page:

      • Navigate to ‘Content > Landing Pages’ in your HubSpot account. 
      • Click the ‘Create’ dropdown menu and select ‘Landing page’.
      • Give your page a name and select a domain.
      • Click ‘Create Page’.

      HubSpot Asset Development

      • Select a template from your active theme or available options. 
      • Preview templates to see if they match your vision.
      • Once selected, customize the page using various editing tools and modules.

      HubSpot Asset Development

      Key Elements of HubSpot Landing Page

      Did you know that the average landing page conversion rate across industries is only 5.89%.[ii] The primary purpose of a landing page is to capture visitor information in exchange for something valuable. Hence, besides being creative, it should be functional and direction-oriented. Here are the five key elements that your HubSpot landing pages must have for better outcomes: 

      • A compelling headline to grab visitors’ attention immediately.
      • Relevant images to visually reinforce your message.
      • Clear call to action to encourage desired action.
      • Persuasive copy to inform and entice visitors to convert.
      • Prominent form to capture valuable lead information.

      HubSpot Asset Development

      Integrating HubSpot Assets Into Your Overall Marketing Strategy

      While individual HubSpot assets are valuable tools, their true power is realized when integrated into a cohesive marketing strategy. By aligning your landing pages, CTAs, forms, and email campaigns, you can ensure that your messaging is consistent across channels and guides prospects through a well-orchestrated path from initial interest to final conversion. 

      This integration allows for a unified and personalized customer interaction that not only enhances user experiences but also drives meaningful engagement at every touchpoint. 

      To integrate your HubSpot asset with your campaign:

      • Go to ‘Marketing > Campaigns’ in your HubSpot account.
      • Click on a campaign and select ‘Add Assets’.
      • Search for existing assets and once selected, click ‘Save’.
      • To add new assets, click ‘Create [asset]’.
      • In the new dashboard, create your landing page, email, form, or CTA using the steps discussed above.
      • The new asset will automatically be associated with the campaign. 
      • Click ‘refresh’ for new assets in the ‘Add assets’ dialog box and select the ‘checkbox’.
      • Click ‘Save’ to add the asset to the campaign.

      HubSpot Asset Development

      Maximizing Asset Performance With HubSpot Analytics

      Now that you know how to create assets and integrate them into your HubSpot marketing strategy, it’s time to focus on their performance. Regularly measuring your asset performance can help you garner valuable insights and use them to guide your future actions. HubSpot offers robust Analytics to track and analyze all your marketing campaigns in one place. 

      It has built-in reports and dashboards that help you analyze how each of your pages is performing and compare key metrics. You can compare up to 10 campaigns at a time. Additionally, you can analyze the performance of every marketing asset and identify top-performing assets across the buyer’s journey. 

      The HubSpot tracking code monitors the actions of your website visitors for deeper insights into customer behavior. This enables more precise targeting and trigger automation workflows. With all the data available at your fingertips, it also powers informed decision-making to optimize your strategies for maximum returns.

      The Final Note

      Your marketing assets are the cornerstone of your campaign’s success. Each asset, from landing pages to emails, CTAs, and forms, plays a crucial role in shaping your brand’s story and driving desired actions. 

      To maximize their impact, make sure these assets work in tandem, creating a compelling customer journey. By strategically deploying them and leveraging HubSpot’s marketing hub capabilities, you can elevate your marketing efforts and achieve outstanding results.

      Want to Drive Higher Engagement and Conversion With HubSpot Marketing Assets? Contact Us

      Our HubSpot experts can help you optimize your marketing campaigns with professional asset development and integration. To learn more about our services, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll take it from there.

      Statistics References: 

      [i] ContentGrip Report 

      [ii] HubSpot

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