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      Seamlessly Integrate Salesforce Service Cloud and Jira


      May 30, 2024

      5 minute read

      Jason manages a customer support team. His company specializes in developing property management software. The company serves more than 15,000 customers and its client base is rapidly expanding. On a typical day, Jason’s team receives approximately 100 cases and the number increases by 100% post any product update. To log, resolve, and track them, the team relies on Salesforce Service Cloud. Despite using this powerful solution, the job is not without its challenges.

      To resolve some cases, Jason’s team requires help from the product or engineering team. But most of the product information is stored in product management tools, product backlog management tools, and issue and bug tracking tools like Jira.

      This not only results in slow and error-prone communication but also proves detrimental to critical customer service metrics. Apart from that, the average case resolution time increases, the productivity of the customer support team nosedives, and the probability of causing customer dissatisfaction increases.

      Working on these metrics is essential for any organization aspiring to become “customer-first.” Thankfully, it is doable.

      All you need is a system that allows a seamless flow of information between customer support, engineering, and product management teams.

      Integrating Salesforce and Jira to Build Cross-Team Synergy

      Salesforce and Jira are two powerful platforms that play complementary roles in modern business operations. While Salesforce Service Cloud focuses on enhancing customer service and support, Jira excels in project management and issue tracking. Their integration can unlock synergies, improve collaboration between teams, and ultimately drive success.

      If Jason decides to integrate Salesforce Service Cloud and Jira, the benefits to his company will be immense, including:

      • 100% case transparency
      • Increased productivity
      • Faster and smoother case resolution
      • Improved customer experience
      • Higher CSAT and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
      • Streamlined processes with automated data transfer
      • Reduced manual effort and errors
      • Enhanced collaboration between teams
      • A unified view of customer issues and project status
      • In-depth tracking and analytics to gain valuable insights

      Ways to Integrate Salesforce and Jira

      Contrary to many suggestions, integrating Salesforce Service Cloud and Jira is not only feasible but also surprisingly easy. There are various integration options to choose from:

      Pre-Built Integrations

      These integrations are part of the core offering and are already set up by the software vendor. They work seamlessly with the main product and do not require extensive configuration steps. However, they have limited flexibility and may not cover all the specific needs of an organization.

      Third-Party Integration Tools

      When two systems don’t have a native way to communicate, a third-party integration tool bridges that gap by acting as an intermediary. It establishes connection and data flow between the disparate systems to facilitate communication. Many third-party integration tools also provide monitoring and automation capabilities related to data integration.

      Custom Integration Solutions

      These are tailor-made integrations built from the ground up to meet the specific needs of an organization. They can handle unique data formats and workflows and provide you with full control over their functionalities. Custom solutions are often used to integrate legacy systems that lack standard integration options or APIs.

      Installing a custom connector is another effective solution to integrate platforms. It helps fulfill the specific integration requirements of an organization while providing them with additional capabilities to streamline task management.

      In Jason’s case, using a connector will enable his team to escalate cases, track status, and exchange notes in Salesforce to deliver effective customer support. Sinergify is a leading Salesforce and Jira Connector for customer support leads like Jason. It is a Salesforce-native, lightning-ready application that ensures a bi-directional information exchange between Salesforce & Jira to automate workflows.

      sinergify features

      Streamline Cross-functional Operations

      With Sinergify, support agents can easily create Jira issues directly from Salesforce when they come across customer-reported bugs or issues. They also gain visibility into the status of reported issues, track the progress of bug fixes, and collaborate with the engineering team in real-time.

      Boost Data Integrity

      Sinergify synchronizes customer data, support tickets, and interactions between Salesforce and Jira in real-time. This provides your teams access to the latest information, thus, reducing the risk of discrepancies. The unified data also creates a single source of truth that teams can rely on for more effective decision-making.

      Prioritize Issue Resolution

      Jira issues created from Salesforce provide engineering teams with clear context about the reported problems. They can prioritize their work based on the severity of the reported issues or customer impact. Moreover, Sinergify lets users set up predefined rules to streamline this process.

      Automate Case Status Update

      Sinergify comes with an automated status syncing feature that instantly syncs updates made to the case status in either Salesforce or Jira. This eliminates the need for manual intervention and the teams don’t have to check multiple systems for updates.

      Drive Product Development

      With clear visibility into customer needs, engineering teams can rapidly prototype and iterate on new features within Jira. Sinergify enables a continuous feedback loop between support, engineering, and product management teams that help shape product roadmaps and enhancements.

      Improve Communication

      Sinergify enables the support team to create Jira issues from customer emails automatically or with manual selection. This improves information visibility and centralizes case communication within the issue to enhance SLAs.

      Key Features of Sinergify for Seamless Platform Integration

      Here are some of its key features:

        • Establish one-to-one or many-to-many mapping between Salesforce cases and Jira issues

      a. One Salesforce case can be mapped to many Jira issues
      b. One Jira issue can be mapped to multiple cases in Salesforce

        • Connect Salesforce with both cloud and on-premises versions of Jira
        • Configure assignment rules to automate and define the right hierarchy of a Jira ticket under a project
        • Manage Jira issues directly in Salesforce, including:

      a. Easily create a Jira issue
      b. Update a Jira issue
      c. Link a Jira issue with a Salesforce case
      d. While creating a case, make use of the powerful search feature to find the existing Jira issues that can be linked to speed up the case resolution process
      e. Limit or extend the comments’ visibility to support agents
      f. Track Jira status and update customers

        • Configure custom Jira fields and sync them with Salesforce
        • Enable bidirectional synchronization, including:

      a. Comment synchronization
      b. Attachment synchronization (from Salesforce to Jira)
      c. Deciding the Jira projects that will be synced with Salesforce cases

      • Create rich reports in Salesforce by combining the data from Jira and Salesforce
      • Set up and customize the connector to adapt to your business use cases
      To know more about this integration, check out our eBook- Integrating Salesforce and Jira: A Complete Guide.

      To Wrap Up

      That’s all about what your support reps can do with the Service Cloud and Jira integration. Sinergify also enables the integration of Service Cloud with Jira Core and Software, helping support teams to collaborate with the product, engineering, and marketing teams.

      What’s more? You can integrate any Salesforce object and module (Sales, Marketing, Community Cloud, etc.) with Jira. As a result, it’s not only Jason’s team but other departments too that get to achieve their goals and accelerate business growth.

      Want to Learn More About How to Integrate Your Salesforce Service Cloud and Jira? Contact Us!

      Our team of experts will be happy to help you with your unique business use case. To explore Sinergify’s capabilities in detail, write to us at [email protected] or visit

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