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      Marketing Strategy

      Multiexperience: Be Ready for the Future way of Doing Business

      Mar 12, 2020

      3 minute read

      Today, technological revolution is taking place at an unprecedented scale and scope, leading to a significant decline in the lifespan of technological trends.

      Until 2019, we were all talking about going ‘Omnichannel’. But the business adoption of technologies like AR, VR, MR, voice, chatbots, wearables, has led to the evolution of ‘Multiexperience’.

      First and foremost, multiexperience is not omnichannel!

      Omnichannel is about tapping user touchpoints across all channels.

      Multiexperience involves developing fluent customer experiences across websites, apps, and modalities of voice, touch, and text, irrespective of the channel.


      Why is Multiexperience Important?

      Gartner predicts that by 2023, more than 25% of mobile apps, progressive web apps, and conversational apps at large enterprises will be built and/or run through a multiexperience platform.

      B2C businesses are most likely to be affected by the multiexperience wave.

      Business strategies are increasingly becoming people-centric and technology is also inclining towards becoming people-friendly. Hence, multiexperience replaces technology-literate people with people-literate technology.

      Presently, multiexperience is centered around immersive experiences that use AR, VR, multichannel human-machine interfaces and sensing technologies. In the future, however, multiexperience will become an ambient experience.

      It’s high time for businesses to reevaluate their value proposition and explore development options beyond mobile apps and web development to align with user and industry demands.

      The emergence of multiexperience development would help businesses go beyond the traditional ways of connecting with users and develop voice, chat, wearable, and AR experiences in support of the digital business.

      Benefits of Adopting Multiexperience:

      • Improved Operational Efficiency

      It helps companies carry a large number of internal operations within a single space. It becomes easier than ever to streamline business processes with every process being present in one system. It also enables enterprises to create efficient, faster, and valuable digital experiences.

      • Minimize the Time to Market Apps

      Enabling multiexperience will help brands significantly improve development time by as much as 10 times. All credit to reusable code and streamlined design processes.

      Using multiexperience, feedback cycles can also be shortened with faster releases. This helps in creating and honing your digital experiences.

      • Enable Controlled Deployment

      A single cloud-based deployment is a matter of a few weeks. But with multiexperience at the place, information can be sent directly to cloud-based server providers. Thus, giving better control and fast-tracked deployment.

      • Remove Security Risk

      Enabling multiexperience can help enterprises get a 360 view of their software landscape with all the applications feeding to a single platform. Thus, eliminating all the potential security risks like Shadow IT.

      How Domino’s is Using Multiexperience to Advance Customer’s Experience

      Domino’s is offering its customers the ability to place orders via as many devices and platforms as possible with the use of digital technology with Domino’s Anyware. It is way ahead in the game of creating a multiexperience strategy. Customers can order their favorite meal using any device from a phone to a smart speaker, and the order will be trackable via a pizza tracker and delivered via an autonomous vehicle.

      Bottom line:

      Mobile apps, however, still remain the most common type of applications that enterprises deploy other than their website and AI services. Businesses especially, B2C are more vulnerable to rising customer expectations because of multiexperience.

      A multiexperience development strategy is required for an enterprise to scale the digital initiatives. However, one key barrier that emerges in the process is the gap in business and IT alignment, which is further widened by the lack of user experience expertise among developers.

      Want to know more about the practical implications of multiexperience in your business?

      At Grazitti, we are working to help businesses leverage transforming technology to reimagine the way they do business. Get in touch with our technology experts by dropping a line at

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