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      Salesforce Marketing Cloud

      Everything You Need to Know About the All-New Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

      Aug 23, 2024

      7 minute read

      Hey Siri, what does the future with AI look like?

      Siri: AI will transform your dreams into real-world experiences.

      And it’s already happening!

      From IT to finance, healthcare to education, AI empowers businesses of all sizes to boost efficiency and effectiveness.

      For small businesses, AI isn’t just a tool — it’s the backbone enabling daily operations and business conduct.

      Small business employees spend 11 hours a week drafting emails(i) — a task that AI can automate with personalization and relevant content.

      Despite AI’s potential, the lack of high-quality first-party data often hampers its accuracy and reliability, posing a significant challenge for these businesses.

      The key lies in integrating CRM, AI, and data. This synergy enables connected systems that provide precise insights, enhancing decision-making and maximizing AI’s effectiveness with robust data.

      Meet the all-new Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth edition!

      Recently unveiled, this platform is designed specifically to empower small businesses by seamlessly integrating CRM, AI, and data within Salesforce’s trusted customer platform – Einstein. It promises to redefine marketing automation across sales, service, and commerce.

      In this blog post, we will explore how Marketing Cloud Growth is set to revolutionize the way small businesses approach marketing, enabling them to drive growth and efficiency like never before.

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

      On February 20, 2024, Salesforce launched the Marketing Cloud Growth edition, aimed at empowering small businesses specifically with B2B marketing needs. With advanced marketing automation tools, powered by Einstein’s Generative AI and Data Cloud, this new edition simplifies marketing tasks, allowing businesses to concentrate on strategic growth.

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

      The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth edition integrates seamlessly with the core Salesforce platform, known as the Einstein 1 platform to provide users with easy access to all the robust features of Marketing Cloud within the broader Salesforce ecosystem.

      With the Marketing Cloud Growth edition, teams can efficiently:

      • Unify various data sources via Data Cloud
      • Create and deliver compelling content with Digital Experiences
      • Automate complex customer journeys using Flow Builder
      • Improve decision-making using Einstein’s intelligent analytics and predictions

      Marketing Cloud Growth edition is user-friendly and built directly on the Salesforce platform, eliminating the need for external connectors. However, it does not include some advanced features found in Marketing Cloud Engagement and Account Engagement (Pardot), such as Dynamic Content, A/B Testing, and Business Units.

      Key Features of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

      Marketing Cloud Growth edition enables small businesses to create multi-channel campaigns using Salesforce Flow automation, simplifying processes with precise wait steps and approval workflows.

      Key Features of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

      Businesses can expand their reach by seamlessly integrating with popular social media platforms.

      Moreover, small businesses can harness the combined capabilities of Marketing Cloud Growth, Data Cloud, and generative AI within their workflow, consolidating multi-channel marketing with sales, service, and commerce onto a single platform. They also benefit from:

      • Rapid audience segmentation using natural language prompts
      • Enhanced personalization across customer interactions with unified profiles
      • Improved campaign efficacy with real-time analytics and user-friendly dashboards

      Here are the other key features of the Marketing Cloud Growth edition.

      Key Features of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

      Boosting Efficiency

      The Marketing Cloud Growth edition offers powerful AI tools from Einstein to simplify the creation of campaign briefs, content, and audience segmentation, boosting productivity and outcomes.

      Key features include:

      • Einstein Metrics Guard for secure engagement filtering
      • Einstein Co-Create for generating assets and segments
      Einstein Co-Create
      • Einstein Send Time Optimization for maximizing email effectiveness
      Einstein Send Time Optimization
      • Einstein Segment Creation for precise audience segmentation
      Einstein Segment Creation

      Enhancing Audience Targeting

      Integration with Data Cloud enables precise audience targeting, helping businesses accurately segment data and reach ideal audience segments. This facilitates:

      • Unified customer data across marketing, sales, service, and commerce for a comprehensive customer view
      • Enhanced personalization across all channels by activating data insights for more pertinent messages and customized customer journeys
      • Consolidated data within Salesforce for a holistic 360-degree view of customers

      Streamlining Campaign Management

      Marketing Cloud Growth edition centralizes marketing activities with a comprehensive campaign hub. Businesses can design, automate, and optimize content across various channels using templated options for SEO-friendly landing pages, forms, and emails. AI-powered email campaigns and integrated landing pages enhance customization and streamline complex multi-email journeys.

      Analyzing Performance

      Marketing Cloud Growth edition offers robust performance monitoring and reporting capabilities through Data Cloud reports in the Analytics tab. Businesses can assess the impact of email and SMS campaigns, gaining actionable insights to refine marketing strategies and enhance campaign performance.

      Simplifying Content Management

      The Content tab powered by Salesforce CMS enables efficient organization and management of marketing content types. Users can clone and edit content within a consistent editing environment, ensuring brand consistency and efficiency in content creation and distribution.

      Ensuring Privacy Regulation Compliance

      Marketing Cloud Growth edition includes tools for managing consent to meet privacy regulations effectively. Features include:

      • Default or customized marketing communication subscriptions for collecting and tracking consent data
      • An intuitive email preference page for subscribers to manage their communication choices, promoting transparency and adherence to regulations

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition: Use Cases

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition is versatile, addressing a range of business needs.

      Small & Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs)

      Designed to be scalable, this edition is ideal for B2B SMBs, enabling them to manage marketing campaigns efficiently. It helps these businesses reach their target audience effectively and remain competitive, even with limited resources.

      Marketing Teams With Limited Capacity

      The Growth Edition features a user-friendly interface and pre-built templates, making it an excellent choice for marketing teams with limited capacity. These tools help smaller teams maximize their resources by utilizing automation and streamlined processes to achieve significant results.

      Startups & Emerging Businesses

      Offering an affordable pricing structure, the Growth Edition is well-suited for startups and early-stage companies. It enables these businesses to explore marketing automation, refine their strategies as they grow, and establish a solid marketing foundation without significant financial strain.

      How Does Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition Differ From Other Editions?

      Salesforce has been committed to integrating its products into a unified platform for some time, and this release represents a significant step forward in that effort.

      This edition is designed to complement rather than replace current Marketing Cloud products and highlights the increasing importance of Data Cloud, AI, and marketing within the Salesforce ecosystem.

      In contrast to Marketing Cloud Engagement and Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, this version leverages the core Salesforce platform (Einstein 1) and Data Cloud capabilities.

      Here’s how it is different from other editions:

      Marketing Cloud Engagement, previously known as ExactTarget or Messaging & Journeys, is the core component of the Marketing Cloud suite, primarily targeting B2C customers.

      Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, formerly known as Pardot, is a marketing automation tool deeply integrated with CRM, primarily used by B2B customers.

      Marketing Cloud Growth is a new Salesforce offering built on the core platform. It is designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), particularly those new to marketing automation.

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth Edition Differ From Other Editions

      Additional Information About Marketing Cloud Growth Edition (FAQs)

      What’s New in the Email Builder of Marketing Cloud Growth Edition?

      The Email Builder in Marketing Cloud Growth Edition isn’t an entirely new tool. Rather, it utilizes the existing Salesforce CMS foundation, similar to other functionalities within Marketing Cloud Growth. This integration into the Core platform allows it to leverage existing customer data and synchronize with other marketing activities, enabling data-driven email creation within a cohesive ecosystem.

      When Can Businesses Start Using Marketing Cloud Growth Edition?

      Initially, Marketing Cloud Growth will be available in the United States and Canada, with a limited set of features and plans to expand to the Middle East (EMEA) by the end of the year and other regions subsequently. The starting package has specified limits and additional options available.

      Do Existing Salesforce Customers Need to Do Anything to Use Marketing Cloud Growth Edition?

      No. Salesforce customers with Sales or Service Enterprise Edition (EE) or higher can access Marketing Cloud Growth Edition at no additional cost.

      While the development of Marketing Cloud Growth is exciting due to its integration with the core Salesforce platform, it currently holds limited relevance for existing customers using Marketing Cloud Engagement and Account Engagement for two main reasons:

      • It is only available to customers in North America.
      • For Account Engagement users, its features do not compare favorably.

      As the functionality of Marketing Cloud Growth expands to include more existing account holders, businesses can begin to explore its features. Marketing Cloud Growth aims to streamline Salesforce marketing by consolidating builders and asset creation in one place and incorporating AI-powered segmentation and campaign management through Data Cloud.

      For now, this announcement is primarily significant for new customers who have not previously used Salesforce.


      The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth edition offers a complete set of tools tailored to the changing demands of small businesses. It combines crucial features such as data management, automation, and advanced analytics to bolster scalable marketing efforts.

      By integrating data, enabling personalized cross-channel campaigns, and delivering in-depth analytics, it empowers small and mid-sized businesses to meet customer expectations efficiently.

      Blog Marketing Growth Edition CTA Image

      If you’re looking to migrate to the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Growth edition to fuel your business growth, just drop us a line at [email protected], and we’ll take it from there!

      Statistics Reference:

      (i) Modern Globe

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