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      How to Enable Quick Case Escalation In Your Khoros Community?


      Jul 04, 2024

      4 minute read

      Swift and effective customer support can either make or break your Khoros community. Whether troubleshooting technical issues or seeking product advice, users expect prompt resolutions to their inquiries.

      Imagine people trying to find what they need within your community, but it’s like getting lost in a maze. They might end up having to call customer service for help.

      But that’s a hassle because they have to explain everything again, messing up the smooth flow of the community.

      So, here’s the big question: Do people care about user experience? Yes! For businesses, it’s not just something they think about later—they must do well in the market.

      Delayed case escalation directly impacts your Khoros community’s user experience!

      How to Enable Quick Case Escalation From Your Lithium-Powered Community?

      This sentiment is underscored by data from Forrester, which reveals that a staggering 72% of businesses consider enhancing customer experience a top priority. This statistic emphasizes the crucial role of user experience for businesses in the digital landscape.

      Quick Case Escalation Is Mission Critical— Here’s Why!

      Effective and quick case escalation is critical for enhanced user experience and satisfaction. Understanding this is important, even if it goes away from the common wisdom of the Laissez-faire method of customer support.

      Imagine a scenario where; Angela, a loyal customer of a tech company, encounters a glitch while using their latest software. Frustrated, she turns to the company’s online community forum for assistance.

      When she visits the Khoros community to create a new case, she is redirected to the CRM system, such as Salesforce Service Cloud, upon clicking the case creation option. This sudden transition confuses the user, who is unfamiliar with the Salesforce interface. Feeling disoriented, the user abandons the process, leaving the case unresolved. Consequently, this results in a poor customer experience and increased dissatisfaction.

      The problem compounds when community support reps need help to prioritize cases effectively. They need more visibility into Angela’s past interactions with the company, making it challenging to gauge the urgency of her issue.

      The Solution: Khoros Salesforce Integration

      Enter Khoros Salesforce integration—a game-changer in the realm of customer support. With a robust case connector seamlessly linking the community platform with the CRM system, Angela’s case takes on a new path.

      As soon as Angela submits her query on the community forum, due to the case connector she can easily click on the ‘Create a Case’ option. With the help of integration, the case is created within the community itself, without being redirected to Salesforce CRM. Here, her case is assigned a priority level based on her customer history, ensuring that urgent issues like hers receive immediate attention.

      Behind the scenes, community support reps. are empowered with real-time access to Angela’s case due to the connector’s capability of bi-directional flow of information. Armed with comprehensive insights into her past interactions and purchase history, they can swiftly assess the severity of her issue and initiate the necessary actions.

      Within minutes, Angela receives a personalized response from a support agent, acknowledging her concerns and outlining a roadmap for resolution. With the integration streamlining communication channels, there’s no back-and-forth between platforms.

      Khoros-Salesforce Integration

      Top 8 Reasons for Khoros-Salesforce Integration

      The benefits of quick case escalation extend beyond individual users like Angela. By resolving cases promptly and efficiently, companies bolster customer satisfaction and loyalty, paving the way for positive word-of-mouth referrals and long-term brand advocacy.

      Let’s see a breakdown of the direct benefits of community-CRM integration:

      Khoros-Salesforce Integration
      • Bi-directional Integration: Seamless updates and comments on cases are synchronized between the community and the CRM system, ensuring all parties can access the latest information.
      • Increased Community Engagement: Users can escalate cases with a single click without leaving the community, promoting continuous interaction and reducing the need to navigate multiple platforms.
      • Automatic Post-to-Case Escalation: Posts made in the community can be automatically converted into cases if they go unaddressed within the community within the timeline defined by the organization. Thus simplifying the process and ensuring that the user issues are tracked and managed efficiently.
      • Federated Search: When creating a case, users receive suggestions for similar cases, topics, or articles. This proactive support helps them resolve issues independently, often before escalating the case. As a result, there is a significant increase in case deflection and a noticeable reduction in overall case volume.
      • Edit and Close Case: Users can edit and close their cases directly within the community, empowering them to manage their support needs independently.
      • Knowledge Base Sync (KB Sync): Knowledge base articles are synchronized between the community and the CRM system, ensuring that users can access consistent and up-to-date information across both platforms.
      • Increased Customer Support Productivity: Streamlined processes and integrated systems lead to higher efficiency, allowing support teams to resolve issues more quickly and effectively, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.
      • Reduced Support Costs: Integration minimizes licensing expenses and enables superior support delivery within the community, lowering overall support costs.

      Furthermore, the integration fosters a culture of transparency and accountability within the support ecosystem.

      As an outcome of the Khoros-Salesforce community integration, Angela can now track her issues and receive quicker responses. This leads to more informed decision-making, reduced duplication, and faster case resolution. She can also engage in community discussions without needing to log in to Salesforce CRM, thereby saving time and effort.

      Bi-directional integration ensures that case updates and comments are synchronized between the community and CRM, leading to a superlative customer experience and higher support productivity.

      With every interaction documented and tracked within the CRM system, companies gain valuable insights into recurring issues, emerging trends, and areas for improvement. This enables them to refine their products and services proactively.

      Forecasting the Future of Community-based Support

      The advantages of quick case escalation in CRM-integrated communities are manifold. From enhancing user satisfaction to driving operational efficiency, the synergy between community platforms and CRM systems sets the stage for unparalleled customer support experiences. As businesses navigate the digital landscape, investing in seamless integration is not just a strategic choice—it’s a testament to their commitment to delivering excellence at every touchpoint.

      Want to Know More About KaseSync? Talk to Us!

      Elevate your community with our tailored solutions and connectors. If you want to know more about our products and services, reach us at [email protected] for more information!

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