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      Checklist for a Seamless Tableau Cloud Migration

      Jul 19, 2024

      5 minute read

      With organizations constantly bombarded with information, extracting meaningful insights from this ever-growing deluge is critical for informed decision-making and staying ahead of the curve.

      For many companies, Tableau Server has been the trusted tool for data visualization and exploration. However, as data volumes surge, on-premise solutions can become strained, hindering scalability and collaboration.


      This is where Tableau Cloud steps in, offering a compelling solution. It unlocks the power of the cloud, providing a robust platform that scales effortlessly, fosters secure collaboration, and empowers teams to leverage data insights seamlessly.

      But migrating to a new environment can feel like venturing into uncharted territory.

      This blog post serves as your compass, guiding you through every step of the Tableau Cloud migration process.

      Checklist for a Seamless Tableau Cloud Migration


      1. Assessment and Planning

      Evaluate Current Environment

      Before embarking on the migration journey, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate your current Tableau Server environment. This involves:

      • Inventorying Workbooks, Data Sources, Users, and Permissions: Create a comprehensive list of all the workbooks, data sources, users, and their permissions. This inventory will serve as the foundation for your migration plan and help identify any dependencies and complexities in your current setup.
      • Assessing Complexity and Dependencies: Analyze the relationships and dependencies between different elements in your Tableau environment. Understand the interconnectedness of your data sources, workbooks, and dashboards to identify potential challenges and risks during migration.

      Define Scope and Objectives

      Clearly defining the scope and objectives of your migration project is essential for success. This step includes:

      • Determining Migratable Assets: Identify which assets, such as workbooks, data sources, and dashboards, need to be migrated to Tableau Cloud. Consider the business value and relevance of each asset to ensure only necessary items are included.
      • Setting Goals and Success Criteria: Establish clear goals and success criteria for the migration. Define what a successful migration looks like in terms of performance, accessibility, and user satisfaction.

      Create a Migration Plan

      Developing a detailed migration plan is vital for staying on track and ensuring all tasks are completed efficiently. This involves:

      • Project Plan Development: Create a comprehensive project plan outlining timelines, milestones, and responsibilities. Assign specific tasks to team members and set realistic deadlines to keep the project on schedule.
      • Resource Allocation: Ensure that the necessary resources, including personnel, tools, and budget, are allocated to support the migration process.

      2. Pre-Migration Preparation

      Data Preparation

      Preparing your data for migration involves several key steps:

      • Ensuring Compatibility: Verify that your data sources are compatible with Tableau Cloud. This may involve updating or modifying certain data connections.
      • Data Consolidation and Cleanup: Consolidate data from multiple sources and clean it to remove any inconsistencies or errors. This step ensures that the data is accurate and reliable before migration.

      User Preparation

      Effective user preparation is crucial for a smooth transition to Tableau Cloud:

      • Informing and Training Users: Communicate the upcoming changes to all users and provide training on the new environment. This helps users adapt to the new system and minimizes disruption.
      • Updating Documentation: Update any relevant documentation or user guides to reflect the changes in the new environment. Ensure that users have access to the information they need to navigate the new system.

      Security and Compliance

      Maintaining security and compliance during migration is critical:

      • Reviewing Security Policies: Review and adjust your security policies to align with Tableau Cloud standards. Ensure that data protection measures are in place to safeguard sensitive information.
      • Ensuring Compliance: Verify that your migration plan complies with any relevant regulations or internal policies. Address any potential compliance issues before proceeding.

      3. Setup Tableau Cloud Environment

      Subscription Setup

      Purchase and configure your Tableau Cloud subscription to lay the foundation for the migration:

      • Subscription Purchase: Acquire the necessary Tableau Cloud subscription based on your organization’s needs.
      • Initial Configuration: Set up the initial configuration, including authentication methods such as SAML or OAuth, site settings, and permissions.

      User Management

      Managing users effectively is key to maintaining a secure and organized environment:

      • Creating User Accounts: Create user accounts and assign appropriate roles to ensure that users have the necessary access to perform their tasks.
      • Setting Up User Groups: Organize users into groups based on their roles and responsibilities. This simplifies permission management and enhances security.

      4. Data Source Migration

      Prepare Data Sources

      Preparing data sources involves validating and cleaning them:

      • Validation and Cleanup: Validate existing data sources to ensure they are accurate and reliable. Clean up any unnecessary data to optimize performance.
      • Recreating or Migrating Connections: Recreate or migrate data connections to cloud databases as needed. This step ensures that your data sources are accessible from Tableau Cloud.

      Publish Data Sources

      Publishing data sources to Tableau Cloud involves several steps:

      • Publishing to Tableau Cloud: Publish the validated data sources to Tableau Cloud. This makes the data available for use in dashboards and reports.
      • Validating Connectivity and Performance: Ensure that the data sources are connected correctly and perform efficiently in the new environment.

      5. Content Migration

      Export and Import Workbooks

      Migrating workbooks involves exporting them from Tableau Server and importing them into Tableau Cloud:

      • Exporting Workbooks: Export workbooks from your current Tableau Server environment.
      • Importing to Tableau Cloud: Import the exported workbooks into Tableau Cloud.

      Validate Content

      Validation is crucial to ensure that all content is functioning as expected:

      • Rendering Dashboards: Ensure that all dashboards and visualizations render correctly in Tableau Cloud.
      • Testing Functionality and Performance: Test the functionality and performance of dashboards to identify and address any issues.

      Adjust Configurations

      Adjust configurations as necessary to ensure a seamless transition:

      • Reconfiguring Filters and Parameters: Reconfigure any filters, parameters, or calculated fields as necessary.
      • Updating Data Source Connections: Update data source connections to reflect the new environment.

      6. Testing and Validation

      End-to-End Testing

      Comprehensive testing is essential to ensure that everything works as expected:

      • Performing Tests: Conduct end-to-end testing to validate data accuracy, performance, and user access.
      • Identifying Issues: Identify and address any issues that arise during testing.

      User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

      User acceptance testing involves key stakeholders to ensure the system meets their needs:

      • Conducting UAT Sessions: Conduct UAT sessions with key stakeholders to gather feedback.
      • Making Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments based on feedback to ensure a smooth user experience.

      7. Go-Live and Post-Migration

      Final Preparations

      Final preparations ensure a smooth transition to the new environment:

      • Data Synchronization: Perform final data synchronization if necessary to ensure that all data is up-to-date.
      • Communicating Go-Live Date: Communicate the go-live date to all users to prepare them for the transition.


      Switching over to Tableau Cloud involves several steps:

      • Switching Over: Switch over to Tableau Cloud and begin using the new environment.
      • Monitoring for Issues: Monitor the system for any immediate issues and address them promptly.

      Post-Migration Support

      Providing ongoing support is crucial for user satisfaction and system performance:

      • Ongoing Support: Provide ongoing support to users to help them adapt to the new environment.
      • Monitoring Performance: Monitor system performance and usage to identify areas for improvement.
      • Collecting Feedback: Collect feedback from users to continue optimizing the environment.

      Things You Should Avoid

      • Skipping planning and testing: Always have a detailed plan and thoroughly test in a staging environment to prevent unexpected issues.
      • Neglecting compatibility checks: Ensure all data sources, integrations, and dashboards are compatible with Tableau Cloud to avoid functionality problems.
      • Ignoring security considerations: Implement robust security measures to protect your data from potential threats.
      • Underestimating data transfer requirements: Accurately assess and plan for data transfer to avoid prolonged downtime and data loss.
      • Failing to backup data: Create comprehensive backups before migration to safeguard against potential issues.
      • Overlooking performance optimization: Optimize and monitor performance regularly to maintain efficiency in the cloud.
      • Ignoring licensing and costs: Review licensing agreements and cost structures to budget effectively for the migration.


      Following this meticulous checklist will streamline your migration to Tableau Cloud, empowering your organization to leverage its superior scalability, security, and collaborative features.

      The result? A data-driven environment that fuels informed decision-making and propels your business forward.

      Want to Explore the Future of Data With Tableau Cloud? Let’s Talk!

      Should you want to know more about migrating to Cloud, here is a comprehensive eBook that can help you navigate the complexities. Or if you need some assistance, simply drop us a line at [email protected] and our experts will take it from there.

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