Marketo, despite being the best-in-class marketing automation platform, throws up some challenges that users have to contend with. In this blog, we’ll talk about our solution M-Hive, which addresses Marketo’s limitation to regularly backup assets and restore them later if deleted or modified. This has been a common discussion and a popular idea in the Marketo community.
M-Hive lets Marketo users create an asset repository, set up a backup scheduler and leverage a bulk asset proofing tool. Asset Repository and Back-Up Scheduler: It takes a lot of effort to set up email and landing page templates and assets within Marketo. While it is common for edits to get approved in the standard assets by the regional marketing teams, the impact is worse when an asset gets deleted. With M-Hive, you can schedule back-ups for your assets at regular intervals and restore them back in Marketo when required.Review & Proofing: Enterprise marketing teams usually leverage segmentation to create emails and landing pages in several languages or for different personas. Before the assets are pushed live, they must be shared with the campaign owners for review. Since each asset could have multiple versions, the marketing team has to extract the preview for each version manually and forward it to the campaign owner. M-Hive helps you generate previews and PDFs for multiple emails, emails with multiple segments, and landing page assets. You can also preview the HTML and text versions of the emails within the app. This makes the whole process of reviewing efficient and less time-consuming.M-Hive is a ready-to-use, secure cloud-hosted web app that makes asset management within Marketo easy for your team. To learn more about M-Hive, stop by our booth at the Marketo Summit to drop us a line at [email protected]