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      Attending Dreamforce 2017? Here is the Checklist You Should Follow

      Oct 09, 2017

      5 minute read

      Dreamforce 2017 is around the corner! We have been part of this tradition for a long time, and speaking from our experience, going there with an open agenda and will-figure-it-out attitude is not a good idea.


      People you’ll meet at Dreamforce are a major reason why it’s going to be an unforgettable week. In order to make the most of the event, we recommend you plan everything out. Below are some tips to help you plan for Dreamforce ‘17:

      Set Strategic Objectives – What do you want to accomplish at Dreamforce?

      Define the reason behind attending Dreamforce clearly. You are going to measure the ROI only against this metric. It can be getting new leads, networking or knowledge gathering? Set an objective and convey it clearly to your team to ensure that all your efforts will contribute to achieving the defined objective.

      Create Your Elevator Pitch – How are you going to present your offerings?

      Since you will meet a lot of new people, give product demos and share contacts for follow-ups, it is important to set the first impression right. Decide how you want to introduce yourself, your business, your products, and services to ensure it creates a long-lasting impact on your prospects, partners, and customers.

      Increase Your Social Outreach – Let other attendees know that you’ll be there too.

      Spread the word about your presence at Dreamforce on all your social media channels weeks before the event. Ask all your team members who are attending the event to increase their social outreach and use relevant hashtags to reach maximum people. It will help you follow up and connect with people who are also attending the event.

      Set Appointments – How are you going to manage & keep track of all your meeting?

      In addition to walk-in visitors, there will be some prospects, customers, and partners who would like to meet you at Dreamforce. Use a meeting space management app to book meeting rooms and slots, and stay on top of all the meetings.Dreamforce 2017Once you’re done with Pre-Dreamforce activities, use the checklist below to make the most of Dreamforce.


      Boarding & Lodging

      Book a room at a nearby hotel. By staying at a place close to the venue, you can easily keep up with the event, and also save your travel time & money.

      Re-confirm your hotel reservation two days before your flight. It is advisable to find an accommodation that provides lodging facility as well.

      Do some research about famous food items that you must try when in San Francisco along with some nearby restaurants and food joints.


      It is advisable to check local transportation options (cab, bus, etc.) to and from the airport to avoid any last-minute hassle.

      Download cab booking mobile apps to get a cab ride anywhere anytime. You should also keep local transportation schedule chart and city map with you for convenient and hassle-free transportation.

      Essential Documents

      Before you leave your hotel room for the event, make sure you have the following documents with you in digital and printed form-

      Keep your conference pass with you as you cannot get in anywhere without it.

      Keep all travel documents – passport, visa and other documents – handy.

      Since this event is huge, you will definitely need a Dreamforce event map to get yourself around.


      Business Cards

      Since you will be meeting a lot of people from different fields and locations, exchanging business cards will be a common custom.

      Not only they help in exchanging contact details, but also create a good first impression, and enhance your credibility. It’s good if you keep some extra packs of them.

      Extra Bags

      Although you will get free bags at Dreamforce, you should keep an extra bag with you to store all of the collateral, brochures, etc.  that you will get from other exhibitors.


      There will be a lot of activities taking place simultaneously. In order to keep up with them, you need to create a plan for your attendees and team to keep everyone on the same page.

      Just make a daily schedule that designates each team member’s responsibilities, and time commitments for the entire trip. This should specify when and who will operate your booth, which sessions each person is expected to attend, meal times, etc.



      Dreamforce is all about making connections. You will be having a lot of meetings and you will be managing your team back in office.

      To do all these tasks simultaneously, you will be using all your devices, including phone, tablet, laptop, etc.

      There will be many places with charger ports. You must carry all the chargers to keep your devices alive. Carrying power banks will be a lifesaver.

      It is recommended that you carry an adaptable charger and a converter with you.

      Comfortable Shoes

      This event will test your stamina. All the four days (6 Nov. – 9 Nov.), you will be rigorously running, walking, and standing, and hence, you must pack a pair of comfortable shoes that go well with your formal suits.


      Lugging a heavy laptop around for the whole day will be very tiresome. Go for the lighter and handier option- tablets – to take notes, give a demo and what not.

      Apps, Apps & More Apps

      If you have not downloaded all the apps for Dreamforce 2017 already, get onto your smartphone, and download them now. Some important mobile apps are:

      • Document scanner
      • Dreamforce event
      • Meeting management app
      • Public transportation app
      • Weather forecast
      • Language Translator
      • Currency Conversion

      Some other important apps such as Skype, Yelp, TripIt, etc. can also help you make the event smooth and hassle-free.

      Water & Snacks

      There will be a lot of talking required at Dreamforce with your partners, customers, and prospects. You should bag some snacks and water bottles to stay energetic throughout the event.


      You should check the weather forecast for November. Keep an umbrella in your bag every time to handle unforeseen rainy sessions.

      Post-Dreamforce Strategy

      Upon your return from Dreamforce, you will need to filter and scan the leads you’ve generated.  Design a strategy for that before the event as it will allow you to contact each lead post-event and close deals faster.

      Bottom Line

      Although all the above-stated tasks may take time to execute, a well-organized plan will definitely yield a high Dreamforce ROI for your company.

      Want to Learn More About Our Salesforce Services? Let’s Talk.

      Grazitti Interactive is a proud bronze sponsor at Dreamforce ’17. We’ll be exhibiting our products- SearchUnify, Lightning™ Components, Sinergify , which are built on top of Salesforce platform. Contact us at [email protected] to get more details.

      Dreamforce 2017

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