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      Thought Leadership

      Account-Based Everything Made Easy With Salesforce Clouds

      Jul 30, 2024

      7 minute read

      **Lights. Camera. Action.**

      Once, a company discovered that 80% of their customers came from 3 specific sectors. These sectors were the best in close rate, annual contract value, and customer retention.

      Despite this, the company’s marketing efforts were unfocused. They generated over 6,000 leads each month, but only 300 were from these key groups. Their sales team set up 25 meetings a month, but only 3 or 4 were with these important customers.

      Seeing the mismatch, the company decided to concentrate on its high-performing sectors. The sales team increased meetings with key companies from 4 to 25 per month. The marketing team cut total leads but got four times more from key groups.

      By focusing on its most valuable segments, the company became more efficient and improved its performance metrics.

      That’s the magic of Account-Based Everything (ABE)!

      The Ins and Outs of Account-Based Everything

      ABE brings together marketing, sales, and customer success teams, along with leadership to work together using data for targeting ideal accounts and driving maximum conversions.

      For example:

      • ABE helps your marketing team create personalized campaigns that really hit home with your target accounts.
      • Armed with insights into each account’s history and preferences, sales reps can fine-tune their strategies for maximum impact.
      • Post-sale, the customer success team keeps the relationship strong with tailored service.

      But making ABE work in real life needs a solid platform for collaboration and data sharing.

      That’s where Salesforce comes in!

      Salesforce offers a suite of connected clouds, each designed to support a different part of the customer journey:

      • Sales Cloud helps your sales team manage leads, track opportunities, and close deals efficiently.
      • Marketing Cloud lets your marketing team craft targeted campaigns for your chosen accounts.
      • Service Cloud ensures your most valued accounts get exceptional service, building long-term loyalty.

      What makes Salesforce stand out is how these clouds work together. They’re not separate; they work as one, providing a complete view of each account.

      In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of Account-Based Everything and how Salesforce’s Clouds can be your secret weapon for delivering a unified customer experience across the entire account lifecycle.

      What Makes an Account-Based Everything Approach Essential in Today’s Business Landscape?

      Just as Harley Quinn frequently goes to extra lengths to impress Joker, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to bedazzle customers.

      Account-Based Everything

      And, with Account-Based Everything, you can do that easily.

      By targeting specific audiences from start to finish and nurturing them through personalized efforts, campaigns, and services, you create a bespoke experience tailored exclusively to them.

      Here are the other reasons why account-based marketing is the need of the hour.

      Unified Data, Enhanced Collaboration

      With Account-Based Everything (ABE), both teams now collaborate closely, analyzing data together and generating ideas for campaigns and offers that resonate with customers.

      Instead of siloed work, marketing and sales unite under ABE, holding regular meetings and exchanging insights to prevent any leads from slipping through the cracks.

      By aligning marketing, sales, and customer service efforts, businesses can consistently deliver messages across all touchpoints, reinforcing the brand’s value proposition and strengthening connections with customers.

      “It’s like the Avengers winning Infinity War – teamwork makes the dream work!”

      Account-Based Everything

      By providing personalized attention, they enhance the customer experience and boost conversions.

      Personalized Experiences, Amplified Conversions

      When customers feel understood and valued, they’re more likely to engage with the brand, make repeat purchases, and advocate for the business within their network. ABE ensures that every interaction is meaningful by understanding customer preferences and concerns, tailoring each interaction accordingly.

      Consider Netflix, for example. They tailor series/movie banners based on an individual’s past viewing history and preferences, creating a more personalized experience.

      Account-Based Everything

      Moreover, this approach fosters stronger relationships and drives conversions, prioritizing personalized experiences to amplify conversions and foster long-term loyalty and trust.

      Salesforce Clouds for Holistic Account Lifecycle Management: Powerful Alone, Better Together

      Account-Based Everything (ABE) consists of strategic approaches known as Account-Based Marketing (ABM), Account-Based Selling (ABS), and Account-Based Customer Success (ABCS) – all working together to create a seamless and valuable customer journey.

      Account-Based Everything

      Moreover, we’re no longer in the age of mass marketing and spray-and-pray tactics. Today, it’s all about ABE – building deep, strategic relationships with high-value accounts.

      And that’s where Salesforce Clouds come in!

      Let’s decode how these Clouds help you to achieve Account-Based Everything excellence.

      Salesforce Clouds

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud

      Account-Based Everything focuses on personalized content and experiences. To achieve this, your sales, marketing, and customer service teams need to align on:

      • Targeting top accounts
      • Understanding what drives their engagement
      • Measuring engagement metrics
      • Using personalization to build relationships

      Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) can help create this alignment with its data-driven approach to account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns.

      81% of marketers report that Account-Based Marketing (ABM) gives a better ROI compared to other marketing strategies(i).

      Using ABM, you can identify top accounts, deliver connected engagements, create tailored content, and grow customer relationships.

      Key SFMC features for ABM include:

      • Marketing Cloud Personalization: It uses AI to deliver real-time, personalized interactions across multiple channels, enhancing customer data and audience segmentation. This boosts loyalty, engagement, and conversions by offering relevant experiences throughout the customer journey.
      • Dynamic Content: Create adaptable content based on subscribers’ data, preferences, and behaviors, increasing customer engagement and conversion rates.
      • Cross-Channel Measurement and Analytics: Use real-time data to track marketing performance and enhance engagement with high-value accounts across various channels like email, SMS, Whatsapp, push notifications, and more.
      • Customer Data Platform(CDP)/Data Cloud: Build a real-time single source of truth for each account, automate engagements, and create intelligent customer segments.
      • Einstein AI: Identify top B2B accounts, improve engagement with personalized ads and dynamic web experiences, and align sales and marketing messages across touchpoints.
      • Account Engagement: Design personalized ABM outreach programs, automate cross-channel journeys, and use real-time data to influence the sales pipeline.

      Salesforce Sales Cloud

      ABE involves Account-Based Selling (ABS), which is a sales strategy focused on building relationships with high-value accounts to close deals quickly. Unlike broad approaches, ABS targets specific accounts with personalized strategies.

      Once a lead is captured, sellers work with marketers and other departments like service to understand the lead’s needs and offer tailored solutions.

      This collaborative, multi-channel approach ensures engagement with multiple stakeholders in the buyer’s organization, increasing the chances of closing deals.

      Salesforce Sales Cloud leverages Einstein AI to uncover hidden patterns, predict buying behavior, and identify potential roadblocks or upsell opportunities within your target accounts.

      Moreover, you can develop and share customized playbooks within Sales Cloud, outlining the ideal engagement strategy for each target account. This ensures every sales rep approaches the account with a consistent, impactful message.

      Key Salesforce Sales Cloud tools for ABS include:

      • 360-Degree View of Customer Data: Account-Based Selling nurtures relationships with key decision-makers across an entire account. Salesforce Sales Cloud consolidates contact info, account history, and communication details, empowering reps with comprehensive insights for tailored approaches.
      • Personalization: Sales Cloud empowers salespeople to personalize outreach effectively, using insights to tailor communication. Sales Cloud facilitates this by offering features like email templates with merge fields for personalized content and tracking past interactions to reference in communication.
      • Automation: Salesforce Sales Cloud automates tasks like lead scoring and email nurturing, enabling reps to focus on personalized outreach, such as tailored video messages and content for key decision-makers.
      • Segmentation & Campaign Management: Segment contacts within target accounts by roles and interests, ensuring precise messages reach the right people at the right time.
      • Opportunity Management: Monitor deal progress within target accounts, identify and address potential roadblocks, and use real-time insights to close deals faster.
      • AI Forecasting: Salesforce Sales Cloud’s forecasting and predictive analytics assist in data-driven decisions, sales revenue forecasting, trend tracking, and identifying barriers for strategic planning.

      Salesforce Service Cloud

      Account-Based Customer Success (ABCS) strategies are vital for building strong relationships, increasing customer lifetime value, and driving business growth. And, Salesforce Service Cloud is an ideal tool for it!

      Salesforce Service Cloud unifies all your teams so that they can gain access to comprehensive user information. This enables your service team to provide tailored solutions, incentives, and exclusive offers based on individual purchasing behaviors.

      Moreover, you can take real-time feedback and proactive intervention through customer satisfaction surveys and NPS tracking to enhance strategies and customer experience.

      Key Salesforce Service Cloud tools for ABCS include:

      • CSAT Surveys: Salesforce Service Cloud has built-in surveys for measuring Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), crucial for evaluating service quality. These surveys automatically gather feedback when a case is closed, providing timely insights. CSAT scores offer a clear view of satisfaction levels, helping track improvements and analyze trends linked to specific cases and customer data.
      • Unified Customer Data: Centralizes interactions, account details, and service requests, allowing proactive, personalized support to prevent churn.
      • Insights: Advanced reporting and segmentation enable targeted success plans and tailor support based on sentiment analysis.
      • Service Delivery: Automated workflows and omnichannel support streamline different channels of communication like chat, voice, and cases to ensure faster resolutions and stronger relationships.
      • Knowledge Base: Dynamic self-service resources empower customers with relevant articles, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides.

      Parting Words

      Are you still casting a wide net for leads? It’s time to build a “dream team” that effortlessly manages accounts, delights customers, and boosts revenue.

      Enter Account-Based Everything (ABE) combined with Salesforce.

      Salesforce provides detailed insights into each VIP account, while ABE allows precise targeting of those critical to your success. This approach ensures personalized engagement that feels genuine. Embracing ABE with Salesforce promotes seamless collaboration between all the teams – marketing, sales, service, and more, enhancing efficiency and driving business growth.


      Gain unparalleled visibility into customer behavior and preferences for maximum impact with our comprehensive Salesforce services. Just drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll take it from there!

      Statistics References:

      (i) Momentum ITSMA

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