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      8 Videos Even a Seasoned Salesforce Developer Must See

      Feb 04, 2014

      2 minute read

      Hey, Salesforce Developers. We know keeping up with all the Salesforce training content from other great developers is a little overwhelming. Therefore, to make your life easier, we curated some of the great developer presentations for you, on topics like universal UI, data security, Heroku, Javascript, Visualforce, and testing. Refresh your basics; learn new concepts and best practices. Even more, be inspired with the success story of SpotU which is built on the Heroku platform.
      Happy Learning.

      1. Universal UI for anyone, anytime and anywhere

        Remember Salesforce1 and Internet of Customers of DF’13? This had to be on the top of the list. Universal UIs are great for device independent usage and are future-friendly. They are so easy and require just little practice. Listen on to discover new ways of building revenue through universal UI.

      2. Security

        Secure data needs secure enterprise apps. You handle so many devices on a daily basis. Even after being extra careful, a stray lost phone or tablet can be a security nightmare. This video shows how such slips can occur and best practices to avoid them.

      3. Application on Heroku and Facebook on

        Heroku is ideal for building Facebook applications. Learn how to create Heroku-backed Facebook app directly from within Facebook, using your choice of Ruby, PHP, Java, or Node.js. On Heroku, integrate with data and processes in

      4. Real-Time Ad Server using Heroku

        It is a story about development of targeted advertisements application called SpotU for the airline industry on the Heroku Platform. It covers how SpotU was implemented on Heroku, leveraging add-ons such as Redis, Resque, and New Relic.

      5. JavaScript Frameworks

        JavaScript is the preferred way to build rich web applications in less time. This session gives you a refresher on using easy-to-manage and deep technologies to build apps in Visual Workflow, and

      6. JavaScript Patterns and Practices from the Salesforce Experts

        Wondering how Salesforce gets the JavaScript applications to work as world class product, that serves thousands of customers a day without any hitches? This session covers “behind the curtain” best practices. It covers concepts like universal design, mobile optimization, and leveraging HTML5/CSS3 while maintaining backwards compatibility for older browsers.

      7. VisualForce and Apex Customized for Best Performance

        Visualforce allows you to build unique UIs that are specific to your functional and branding requirements. Using Apex you can add your business logic to standard templates to change system events, including button clicks, related record updates, and Visualforce pages. This session will give you the best practices to leverage these features for great applications.

      8. Step-by-Step guide for Functional Testing on

        One of the most fun sessions, it uses bowling’s analogy to talk about testing! This session is designed as a step-by-step guide for learning how to write good test cases and achieving 100% test coverage for applications.

      Found the content useful? Check out other educational posts on topics like Salesforce Communities, Marketo and Salesforce Integration and more.

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      Our certified Salesforce developers can maximize your Salesforce investment; just drop a line at [email protected] to get in touch with our experts now.


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