Another Marketo Summit has come and gone. And this is a must say that the “Inspiration in the Nation” truly inspired us! More than 6,000 marketers and industry leaders gather in San Francisco to celebrate innovation, share new tactics to take their marketing to the next level and build their network; this year’s event was bigger and better than ever.
Here are five takeaways that created a huge buzz at Summit this year-
Engage with your audience – Sanjay Dholakia, chief marketing officer of Marketo, in his inspiring keynote on the last day talked about the evolution of marketing practices. He shared a critical message: campaign marketing and mass advertising are things of the past. What is taking over is engagement marketing which is based on having two way conversation with customers. He explained, the key to engagement marketing is to stop treating customers like data points and connect with them on human level. According to him, “the new era of engagement marketing is about building individual relationships.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Listen to your audience to enhance their experience – Marketo CEO Phil Fernandez opened the conference with the belief that marketers need to focus on building real relationship with customers. They need to listen and engage in a two-way dialogue with their audience.
Customer nurturing across channels is the new black – One of the biggest announcements at Marketo Summit 2015 was the partnership between Marketo and Linkedin. Now users have the ability to nurture both anonymous & known contacts via display and social advertising, maximizing their lead nurturing efforts beyond just email. Now, the Marketo users have visibility into anonymous activities of prospects outside of a corporate website.
Add value regularly to move from useful to indispensable – Arianna Huffington, President & Editor in Chief of The Huffington Post Media Group, sharing her personal experiences said customers become loyal readers when you regularly add value to their lives. This can be achieved by covering topics that people are already pre-occupied with. By addressing the issues of readers, you can build connection, and a strong community of loyal followers.
Take a break, fuel your creativity – Arianna Huffington opened Marketing Nation 2015 with a significant observation about modern human: “We’re more concern when our smartphones are at 13% than ourselves”. Sharing her own personal experience, she advised marketers to think about metrics of success beyond money and position. To succeed & be productive, it is important to take break, unplug from mobile devices and recharge yourself.